Monday, April 28, 2008

My artworks

Aku ada satu lagi kegilaan..aku suka melukis and conteng-conteng.Kawan aku Chun seorang artis profesional cakap aku ada bakat...tapi aku rasa bakat aku masih tahap amat mentah dan daif.Tapi aku seronaok kalau dapat kongsi artworks aku ngan sape-sape saja kat luar sana yang selalu visit Blog aku ni...opppsss jangan bandingkan kerja-kerja aku dengan pelukis-pelukis lain...macam langit ngan bumi lah...kalau ada orang nak bayar hasil kerja aku ni dengan nilai RM 10.00 aku dah cukup terangsang..ha..ha..aku tak pernah belajar secara formal pun dalam bidang ni..cuma syok layan jiwa je...kalau kau orang ada komen tolong lah komen hatam pun tak pe..ha..ha..

This is an example of my art works.You can visit my Gallery to see more.Feel free to give your comment about my works.Thou i don't have any basic formal knowledge in painting..i just can't stop doing the works.So i just hope you just can enjoy it's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am not an artist, nor am i an expert. My personal opinion... You have your own identity to choose what object to draw, what colour to choose and how you want it drawn. You love nature so much that makes your paintings resemble you yourself as one character of your own.

And at the same time, it is as though you want to send a message - a message of calm and serenity. I don't know, i might be wrong... Only you who truly understands the meaning behind it.

Keep on expressing those feelings from your hands and you will reach your satisfaction. You will reach your own artistic styles. YOU are on the right track, brother.